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Initial training with the fundamentals of Holochromes, therapy developed by Muni Oliveira that uses the shape of fractals as a representation of aspects of the human condition. The course provides lessons on how to use multidimensional technology and fractal geometry to read about the situation in which the person finds himself and point out paths for self-transformation, balance and overcoming challenges.

Hologram shapes allow you to map the person's current moment in detail. Holochromes experiential course aimed at therapeutic activity and self-development, well-founded with a program that deepens aspects related to the frequency of colors and singularities of fractal forms and their application in the symbolic reading process. The course emphasizes and deepens the application of Holochromes to symbolic translation of individual issues and therapeutic intervention.

In this Module, the main theme is the Hologram of Being, the group therapeutic dynamics of Holochromes. It translates essential aspects of each member's life, allowing the individual to perceive themselves face to face with the issues they are experiencing. The circular spiral therapy of Holochromes brings the representation of the octave form of reading. The therapeutic circle is a replica of the 8 positions of the canvases in movement of the vesicles, making the dance of themes that mirror each other, turning the observation to new perspectives.

In the final module of their training, the therapist acquires broad domain and new knowledge about the work of therapeutic intervention. There is an in-depth look at the application of Soluz, an aromatic solution of Holochromes made with the purity of essential oils, the differentiated frequency of colors and the energetic property of the shapes in fractals of nature. The course also includes practice with Luzifractal, chromotherapy of living organisms with Holochromes, among other resources.

Support material

Holocromos has developed its own line of self-care products and support materials for therapeutic practice. It has resources that provide the therapist with subsidies to use the system safely and technically. There are also products developed based on the principles of chromoaromatherapy, which streamline the healing process based on the potential of the energy frequencies of fractal geometry.

Holocromos is a system that seeks to stimulate creative potential and artistic expression in the self-development process. The Holocromos product line, fractal therapy, which represent the perfection of nature's forms, was specially developed for balance, harmony and well-being.

Training contents

With practical experience and carefully constructed theoretical foundation, Muni Oliveira prepared a series of materials to support the training of therapists and Holochrome practitioners, including handouts, articles, manuals and research sources. Information that allows the deepening and greater knowledge about the application of this system, known as the Fractal Therapy.

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Screen Reading Manual

In pocket format for easy handling, the Manual contains the basic guidelines for practicing reading the Holochromes in vesica form with the screens chosen by the person in order and placed in 8 positions, along with the meaning of each one of them. It also contains the main references related to shapes, for a better understanding of the meaning of the system's figures in the form of fractals.

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Soluz is an aromatic synergy that is part of the Holochromes product line developed within the most advanced principles of chromoaromatherapy. It has beneficial action on the body, emotional and mental. Soluz is made with the purity of essential oils, the differentiated frequency of colors and the energetic property of the fractal forms of leaves, flowers, roots and the sap of nature.

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Hologram of Being

Hologram of Being is the group therapeutic dynamics of Holochromes. The circular spiral therapy of Holocromos, developed by Muni Oliveira, brings the representation of the octave form of reading, with the positioning of 8 members in the same arrangement as the 8 canvases. The therapeutic circle is a replica of the 8 positions of the moving vesicles. This experience makes it possible to interact, seek different points of view, look from different angles, understand and give new meaning.

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Holochromes book

Launched in 2012, the book entitled Holochromes – The Universe of Fractals and Frequency Fields in Vibrational Therapy brings the principles and elements that constitute the system. The content demonstrates the characteristics of the Fractal Therapy developed by Muni Oliveira, its quantum architecture and its multidimensional meaning.

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Creator of Holocromos, Muni Oliveira develops several group activities with Holocromos, to deepen the contents and practical application of the system's resources. The experiences exercise the creative potential and provide moments of meditation, familiarity with therapeutic practice and interaction in reading and interpreting holographic screens.

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Holochromes Meditation

The meditation developed by Muni Oliveira brings cadenced movements and rhythms of expansion and concentration to work on internal issues and strengthen universal consciousness. The ethereal dance inspired by the shapes of fractals that brings the joyful sensation of dancing in the dance of life, with the release of feelings through bodily expression .

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Holosons (Songs and sounds)

Holochromes uses sound-musical therapy as a therapeutic resource. A repertoire of expansive sounds, in sound frequencies that lead to states of sublime elevation and energize energy centers (chakras). This is the collection specially developed for the Holocromos CD, used in dynamics and meditation works.

Terms of use

Holocromos has its own Term of Use, a contract by which the accredited therapist assumes the commitment to the definitions and guidelines of the system. Below, we present a summary of the most important issues defined in this Term for users of Holochromes, in order to preserve the essential principles, practical application and therapeutic essence of the System. To obtain the complete Terms of Use, just contact us and send your request.

About the use of images and materials
Content related to Holochromes, including drawings, logos, texts, images, audio and video materials, are protected, under general terms of law, by national and international legislation for the protection of Intellectual Property.
It is forbidden for anyone to reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works, publicly perform, republish, download, store or transmit any material from the Holochromes System, including handouts, music, text, images, screens with fractal images, aromatherapy solutions ( Soluz), videos, audios and therapeutic resources, unless expressly authorized by the authorized representatives of the Holocromos System.

About updating content
We reserve the right to update, edit, modify, alter, expand, reduce or cut parts of the material from the Holochrome System available on the website, handouts and other materials for educational and therapeutic purposes, at any time that may be necessary.

About the media
The Holocromos System has its own communication channels (, social media (facebook and youtube, among others), advertising, dissemination and marketing materials. The release of instruments and similar means of communication by accredited therapists/teachers is only authorized with the express written authorization of the representatives of the Holochromes System.

Ownership and copyright
All material connected to the Holocromos System, as well as the range of aromatherapy solutions (including, but not limited to, all information, text, images, video and audio, design, print and digital materials), are the property of the creator of Holocromos System, psychotherapist Muni Oliveira, and are protected by national and international copyright, and intellectual property/property rights laws


Rua Juazeiro, 4B, Rio Vermelho, Salvador-Bahia – Brazil

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